Note-taking accommodations

Note-taking accommodations may be approved for students with:

  • Hearing loss, e.g. difficulties hearing the instructor while writing notes or accessing communication via an interpreter, Typewell or CART transcriber
  • Vision loss, e.g. difficulties seeing information presented on overhead screens
  • Mental health conditions or attention-related disabilities, e.g. difficulties sustaining attention or attending to orally-presented information while taking notes
  • Learning disabilities, e.g. difficulties recording notes when information is presented orally 
  • Physical disabilities, e.g. motor- or pain-related difficulties, broken wrists or arms

When approving note-taking as an accommodation, AS considers a combination of:

  • Student expression of need for note-taking – as related to a specific educational barrier being experienced
  • Information contained in their provided medical documentation
  • Type and/or structure of course

Students requiring a note-taking accommodation

In order to receive a notetaking accommodation you must be approved by your Accessibility Specialist for this accommodation. The following procedures only apply to you if you have been approved for a note-taking accommodation. Once your accommodations are approved you will be able to log into the portal with your CNA credentials to request notes.

  • Sign into the  page 

Need help?

Student volunteer note-takers

Note-taking is an essential accommodation that ensures students with disabilities have access to important course material that they would not otherwise be able to access. Volunteers work with the Note-Taking Program Coordinator who is available for support and assistance with any role-related issues or concerns. Student volunteers make a critically important contribution towards enhancing equity and access for students with disabilities at Douglas.

Additional benefits of volunteering include:  

  • Practicing and improving your own note-taking skills
  • Better retention and attendance to course materials for your own studies

Refer to the Volunteer Note-Taker Reference Sheet for a comprehensive overview of a note-taker's duties and responsibilities, as well helpful tips.

How to volunteer

  1. Sign into the  page
  2. Complete the profile information and select the course(s) for which you wish to volunteer
  3. Upload sample notes

If you have any questions please contact us at